Sunday, September 30, 2007

When did we become so easily offended?

Little things like this always happen but sometimes it's a big wake up call to how our world has really changed.

I'm in my Anthropology 106 class and there's about 10 of us, including me and two of my friends next to me, who have our laptops out. The room is wireless so we usually mess around on the internet when we can't pay attention. There's a kid sitting in the back with a NY Yankees hat on, probably from NY because he had a heavy accent or maybe NJ, with his laptop out also. Anyway, the professor is pretty old and he likes to joke around a lot and picks on students randomly throughout the room. He's a good guy and just likes to make the class interesting. He talks about sex a lot which makes it easier to pay attention.

The kid in the back was on his laptop and the teacher called on him and asked him if he knew a question which he didn't know. The teacher said he must've been looking at some good porn back there to not pay attention. Everyone laughed and he ended class a few minutes after that. The kid was clearly pissed off so the professor decided to apologize for singling him out and I overheard everything because we were only a few rows ahead of him. (Of course I packed my things up extra slowly so I could hear all the details). The kid was like "yo, I don't need to be treated like that" blah blah blah and the professor said "well I apologized once, I'm not going to do it again" and the kid was cursing and walked out.

I live in NJ so I understand the NJ/NY attitude but I truly felt bad for the professor and it made me realize that I wish college was like it was in the 60's and how uptight and rude kids are today to not even be able to take a joke or accept an apology. The professor, being older and growing up in the 60's in southern California, probably also had a bit of a wake up call too.

When did we become so easily offended?


Anonymous said...


- doox

Cubicle World Member said...

I find people who last out like that guy did ususally do it because of guilt :) He probably was looking at porn and got busted.

Thanks for checking out my blog, there will be plenty more to come!

NewCitySlicker said...

I HATE rude people I have a whole post on it. I wish some people would just wake up and realize people aren't always out to disrespect them.

Ava said...

awe. I feel bad because the professors pretty old.
I bet that douchebag has no friends.

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Anonymous said...

Usually people who aren't happy with themselves are most easily offended. I think this has been going on since the beginning of time. Nice blog!

Anonymous said...

Hello, I'm brazilian and in my country we tend to respect the older people, especially the teachers. In the classes we try to listen and learn so we don't get busted like that !